We are proud to announce that we are now ten years old. We have been through many emotions, highs and some lows during those ten years. It has been hard work, challenging, rewarding and sometimes frustrating!
We have seen significant growth in the aftermath of the pandemic, and we continue to grow and evolve. We look to the future and next ten years with a lot of plans and ambition. We are currently awaiting a new addition to our fleet, a luton box van with a tail-lift. Other services and additions to our portfolio are also in the offing, but we will save those for another day!
We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to our staff. Their continued hard work and dedication to serving our customers, has helped us to get to where we are today. We have a great team at CK and our staff are integral to how we operate.
Finally, we would like to thank all of our customers. Your continued support and business are a big part of who we are and why we are still here. We look forward to serving you for many more years to come.
